Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.)

N.E.T. was developed by Dr Scott Walker (chiropractor) in the late 1970’s and addresses the body’s physiological response to emotional stress. This stress physiology may occur in response to a specific person or event (which may be perceived subjectively as a real or perceived threat) and may involve physiological changes in neuronal chemistry, neurological, vascular and muscular tone. Using an indicator muscle for testing, our job is to identify and correct the physical aberrations (known as Neuro-Emotional Complexes) to the emotional triggers via the associated vertebral subluxation(s) and/or active pulse point(s). This allows us to “take the charge” off an event, thereby allowing a shift towards homeostasis and facilitating the normal extinction of a conditioned emotional response. N.E.T. does not treat the emotions, it aims to address the body’s response to the emotion. It is not a talk it out process or form of counselling. People find that this process is easy and gentle and doesn’t require emotional release, analysis or behavioural modification. Any case history that reveals a need for cognitive understanding of the emotional process through psychotherapy is discussed with the patient, and an appropriate referral can be made.

For current research

To read more about N.E.T click on the link

If your Chiropractor has requested you complete the N.E.T. wellness survey before your appointment, please click on the link You may choose to print or email your results to your Chiropractor at the end of the survey.


Activator Methods


Sacro-Occipital Technique