The Right Tools and Products

Enhancing the benefits of chiropractic care and supporting your ability to achieve and maintain optimal health may require additional tools. Making healthier choices and providing optimal support enables you to create a healthier long-term environment for yourself, giving support to your chiropractic adjustments.

We recommend a range of products to compliment your chiropractic care. Each of these products have been selectively chosen by our team and we are available to discuss and make recommendations based on your individual needs.

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing anything from our product range.



We stock a small range of nutritional supplements and therapeutic creams that are a great addition to help you move towards purity and sufficiency and support your chiropractic care.

Baxter Blue Glasses


Baxters are a stylish non-prescription solution to combat the effects of digital eye strain and sleep issues from exposure to blue light and digital screens.

The clear lens filters out 50% of the harmful blue light emitted from screens which may then help reduce sympathetic nervous system windup.

Available in Adult and Kids sizes.


Foot Levelers


Foot levelers are a custom made orthotic support for your feet. They provide support for all 3 arches in your feet whilst allowing the foot to function correctly as you stand and walk. Foot Leveler orthotics also help to restore wonderful feedback information from the joints in your feet to your brain. Coupled with gentle adjusting of the feet, Foot Leveler orthotics help to provide a stable and supported foundation for the ankles, knees, hips, pelvis and spine. A comprehensive assessment and report are undertaken to determine the best match as far as type of leveler for your most frequently worn footwear and the types of activities you regularly participate in.

For more information and research articles visit



To enhance movement, posture, balance, stretching and core muscle stability, items such as Sacro-iliac belts, resistance bands, fit balls, spikey balls and foam rollers/ posture poles are wonderful tools to have as you build up your levels of fitness and stability. We can show you through how to use these and check to make sure your fit ball is the right height.




More often than not, the neck and back pain people feel comes not from your posture during the day, but how your head rests on your pillow at night. Sleeping on the wrong pillow can make achieving such rest a near impossibility. We stock and range of contoured pillows for all ages.