What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a drug and surgery free modality of treatment concerned with the diagnosis, management and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system (spine); this includes the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.

Chiropractors work in partnership with their patients by utilising their clinical experience, and tailoring care to your needs and preferences. By using a variety of non-surgical techniques such as specific spinal adjustments, manual therapy and low-force intervention, chiropractors offer a hands-on approach to spinal healthcare. They are not only trained to treat musculoskeletal pain patients, but trained to facilitate health promotion, rehabilitation and patient education.

There is a common misconception that chiropractic care involves a singular therapeutic technique – spinal manipulation or spinal adjustment. Our chiropractors however, use a patient-centred, multi-modal type of care, providing a therapeutic approach to care that incorporates a range of manual therapies. This may include spinal adjustments, but also includes mobilisation, muscle and soft tissue techniques along with exercise prescription, nutritional recommendations and lifestyle advice.

What training is involved to become a Chiropractor?

Australian chiropractors are highly qualified healthcare professionals who study at university for a minimum of five years and are government regulated and registered. Like all other registered healthcare providers, chiropractors adhere to national law and profession specific codes of conduct.

They also never stop training and working to improve their clinical skills. All chiropractors must undertake continuing professional development every year to maintain registration, constantly learning and staying current with the latest research. Our chiropractors are committed to ongoing education and strive to constantly improve and hone their clinical skills.